• Email : paramedicalcouncil11@gmail.com

Registration of Para Medical Council of India

The constitution of the Indian Paramedical Council for the purpose of co-ordination and determination of standards of education in the field of Paramedical and for the maintenance of a Register of Paramedical for all India.
Scientist from whole world are busy to invent new equipment’s, medicines and machines in interest medical Science of modern era and have more new equipment’s like Ultrasound, X-rays,

Here are some details regarding the Paramedical Council/Board of India:

As per Government officials noted that there is no Act or Council to regulate the hiring and functioning of Paramedics whether the country. There is no way of ascertaining the work record or conduct of a particular Para Medic. They also said that there is a great need of trained Paramedical Staff for common wealth hosting and to further not only to assistance a Doctor but also to protect the Doctors.
Due to shortage & trained technicals for various equipments/machines, untrained personals are employed on payments or daily basis to handle these sophisticated equipments and machines. Gradually they are to be trained to handle these to discharge their duties.
It is a time of Globalization of education. Indian government also promoting privatizing of the education on the pattern of western countries or also promoting non government organization to come forward to meet the need of Hospital providing job oriented courses and training. Thus, Para Medical council of India decided to come to meet the ever growing demand of paramedical technicians from Hospitals, Pathological & diagnostic Labs, Nursing home etc. The aim of the council is to over come the gaps by providing qualities modern and affordable education.

Para Medical council of India Registration

hese diploma/certificate are job oriented and self-employment courses and eligible for all kinds of job in private, corporate, multinational companies sector or government/semi-government sector in India & abroad. But Indian Paramedical council and its affiliated Institutions does not give any kind of guaranty for Job. The candidates after diploma can establish/open their own centers in any part of country under efficient medical specialist to the rules and regulations prevailing at time to time in the area concerned

AIMS AND OBJECTS of Registration of Para Medical Council of India

  • 1.To promote and develop the Para Medical Sciences all over India & abroad.

  • 2. To establish and sun institutions, Hospitals, research centers all over India & abroad. Promoting Para Medical Sciences for diffuse of useful literary and Scientific knowledge.

  • 3. TTo conduct training programmes & camps on various aspects such as health education and social aspects.

  • 4.To enlist and accord registration on experience basis to deserving qualified persons, Medical Students and those Possessing adequate experience in Paramedical courses of studies.

  • 5.To prepare Students in prescribed courses in Paramedical Science.

  • 6.To provide latest modern and advance knowledge, technologies to Paramedical Students.

  • 7.To open dispensaries, Hospitals, Medical Pathologies; labs, Diagnostic centers on charitable basis in rural & urban areas of India & abroad.